Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ambitions for the week - recap

My plan for this week. Forgot to post this, but I created my list at the start of the week. Here's how I did.
  1. Work out 5 days this week. I need to step up my progress if I'm going to hit 150 workouts by the end of the year. - achieved.
  2. Finish photo book for my mother-in-law. - achieved.
  3. Finish menu plan for next week, after the in-laws leave. (They're heading home on Sunday). - I only planned Saturday & Sunday, but achieved.
  4. Clean/inventory freezers. - achieved.
  5. Clean/inventory pantry. - achieved.
  6. Clean fridge. - achieved.
  7. Re-organize all pots/pans/dishes/plates/etc after the in-laws leave. Things are in complete disarray, as they have their own things they need to put in the cupboards, & didn't know where things went - so my normally extremely organized kitchen is making me a little crazy. achieved.
  8. Read one book. achieved - I read three books
  9. Implement 9/15 budget plan after I get paid. Achieved.
  10. Use or freeze/"put up" remaining summer produce - pesto, squash bread, etc - Tried a squash bread (terrible) & Trader Joe's still doesn't have any pine nuts for pesto. We've been eating the cucumbers, grapes & tomatoes as they ripen. Small harvest due to the weather. Achieved.
  11. Use up all gift cards (with the exception of the ones I'm saving for Christmas). They go to waste lingering in my wallet. - Used up one from Target. Still have a few to go. Partially achieved.
  12. Sell or donate a bunch of kids toys that we no longer need. - Did not get to this one this week.
  13. List a watch on eBay. - Did not get to this one this week.

1 comment:

  1. Jami from Tuesday Garden Party posted this, but you can use sunflower seeds instead of pine nuts in pesto. It is cheaper and you really cannot tell the flavor difference - if you need to use up that basil, then this way you can do it since TJs is out of pine nuts (they do sell them at Costco too). HTH
