Summary: too much junky/snacky food today, & not enough fruits & vegetables. I also didn't get to work out - very stressful work day, & it's amazing how I turn to not great food choices when I'm stressed. I did manage to keep the calories in check, but was not a great day nutritionally. I also need to be more flexible with my workouts. I tend to give up if I get caught in meetings & don't have 90 minutes for the workout (60 for the workout, 30 for walking to/from, changing, & showering). I need to consider 60 minutes adequate, as I can still squeeze in a 30 minute work out. A work out is my best stress reliever, & cuts down on the snacking, so that's an all around win.
Weight = 157.8
- English muffin (130) + 1/2 laughing cow (20) + morningstar sausage (80) = 230
- Coffe with milk -20
- Baked ziti - 300
- Mini Lara bar - 100
- Costco pub mix - 150
- Handful of carrots with hummus - 40. Dinner:
- 1/2 costco hot dog with relish & mustard - 300
- apple - 60
- 2 servings spicy nut mix - 300
Total calories = 1590
Fruits/Vegetables = 1/2
No workout.
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