Friday, March 18, 2011

3/18 - Fitness & Nutrition

Q&A - This can apply to both money & healthy eating, I've found, so how do you recover from a bad day? Do you jump back on your plan (be it saving or eating well, etc) the next day, or does it take you a while to get over your own frustration and slipping? I'm more of the former, but I've certainly struggled with this.

1 piece wheat toast + 1 tbsp peanut butter - 200
1/2 pear - 40
coffee + milk + fiber - 30

Lunch (out):
1/2 Mexican chopped salad - 300
6 tortilla chips with salsa - 100

Leftover Mexican chopped salad - 300
wine - 160
1 pc chicken - 110

Total = 1240
Fruit/vegetables = 1/6

Workout = 38 minutes running/walking. 3.25 miles.

1 comment:

  1. I used to use scales and do weekly weigh ins just like all the slimming clubs did but immediately changed my mind when I found out that they are NOT the best way to measure fat loss progress and can also be SEVERELY demotivating as well. protein sample packs
